The Fennel Ridge HOA Board of Directors met on Thursday, October 10th to discuss the outcomes of the General Meeting held on October 7th, the preceding Monday.
Virtual Meeting
After much discussion it was decided that we should hold a follow-up meeting. This meeting is to be held on Monday, November 18th, at 7:00 pm. It will be hosted virtually, via Microsoft Teams.
Proxy forms will again be made available to members. It should be noted that these forms do not have a voting option. The member must select a person to represent them at the meeting, their proxy. Should the member choose not to nominate a proxy, the board will assume to exercise their proxy for them.
Outstanding Homeowner’s Dues
There are two members of the association who refuse to pay current or past assessments. After several attempts to contact them and resolve the issue the board has agreed to send an intent to lien notice. If the homeowners do not settle their outstanding assessments, a lien will be registered against their property. The cost of filing the lien and discharging the lien will be carried by the homeowner. This is an additional fee of approximately $700.
Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting minutes are not posted to this site as they may contain personal information about individual members. As a member of the association, you have the right to review these and other documents. If you wish to do so, please contact the board through in person, by phone, or by email. The email address is this website name at